Parafango Body Wrap

Our Parafango Body Wrap

This treatment is a very calming and relaxing, resulting in several benefits, to include inch loss, cellulite reduction, tightening of the skin, reduction in dimpling, deep relaxation, skin rejuvenation, actual weight loss, and stretch mark reduction. For optimum results, a course of wraps over a short period of time is recommended.

Parafango Wrap for Legs £60

Parafango Body Wrap £80

Course of 5 Parafango Body Wraps £360
(saving of £40 by pre-booking)

What is Parafango?

Parafango is a mixture, imported from Spain, of Volcanic Sea Mud and Paraffin. The Sea Mud is rich in minerals and causes pore dilation and perspiration with a calming and analgesic effect. It helps eliminate toxins with an in-depth purification. Its great power of heat retention stimulates the blood circulation and revitalizes the skin. The Paraffin optimizes the penetration of the active ingredients used for deep, long-lasting effects.

The Paraffin helps the product sustain a gradually released fusing heat and can retain application temperature for up to an hour and a half. The Parafango stimulates the lymphatic flow on our body to draw out toxins from around the fat cells. The wrapping technique compresses the skin and compacts the soft fatty tissue making it more firm and tight.


The warm Parafango mixture is painted on your body, from just above your ankles to just below your chest, using a soft, dry brush.

You are then wrapped in a plastic sheet and swaddled tightly in a blanket to enhance the geothermal effect of your body temperature.

You remain in a relaxed state for 30 to 40 minutes. We then remove the outer coverings, and the Parafango, from your body. The results are superb!

On the day of your treatment, please do not apply lotion, do not eat fried foods prior to or immediately after your treatment and drink a minimum of 2 litres of water throughout the day.

What can a Parafango Wrap do for you?

– Detoxifies and tones tissues
– Trims inches off the body
– Reduces water retention
– Softens stretch marks
– Increases energy
– Relieves joint pain and muscle soreness
– Promotes circulation

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Our current special

Combine any Anesi Facial with a Parafango Body Wrap and receive a 10% discount.